Light and Perfect Materials for Summer Baby Blanket Swaddling

Light and Perfect Materials for Summer Baby Blanket Swaddling

Light and Perfect Materials for Summer Baby Blanket Swaddling


Summer might be hotter, but tender baby skin needs soft materials to keep it comfortable. Babies can’t regulate their own body temperatures quite like bigger kids or adults so having a light blanket or swaddle around is always important. With light layers in blankets or swaddles, you can help baby adjust

Inside a cool room back to outdoors and inside again can make a baby uncomfortable and cranky. Instead, be prepared by choosing one of these 3 cosy blanket fabrics that are light enough for summer. 


1. Bamboo

One of our favourite materials for a light summer swaddle blanket for baby is bamboo. It’s eco-friendly which always earns high marks, but it also has some distinctive benefits for you and your baby. Bamboo is naturally antibacterial which means wherever you go, that blanket will stay fresh. It also absorbs sweat and draws moisture from the body so the baby will stay comfortable.

 Bamboo swaddle blanket - Babyllama store

Plus, bamboo is UV protectant. Since you can’t put sunscreen on babies under the age of 6 months, it provides an added measure of protection from the scorching summer sun. And while bamboo trees look stiff and rigid, blankets made from bamboo are ultra-soft, the perfect texture to put against baby’s tender skin.


 2. Cotton

Cotton is also a soft fabric for baby blankets and a lightweight choice for summer. It’s very absorbent and gentle, though organic cottons are preferred because they are grown without fertilizers or chemicals which can agitate baby skin. Cotton is also quite easy to care for so when baby drools all over it, you can have it clean and ready in no time.

soft cotton baby blanket - babyllama store  

cotton baby blanket - babyllama store

3. Muslin

Muslin is an incredibly soft cotton fabric that originates from India’s ancient times. It is a wonderful material for baby blankets and swaddles because it is all-natural and completely breathable. It’s freely woven which lets heat escape and allows fresh air to circulate. This is ideal for summer so baby stays cosy, no matter the temperature.

 muslin blanket - babyllama store

With a muslin swaddle blanket, your baby will be enveloped just like in the womb with a warm, comfortable, and secure feeling. The material gets softer and softer every time you wash it too, making for the best sleep.


Bonus for Moms Too!

When you choose baby blankets and swaddles made from bamboo, cotton, or muslin, you also have a go-to cosy material to help you feel secure when you’re out and about. These materials are so breathable and lightweight that you can use them as a cover for breastfeeding.

 swaddle blanket - babyllama store

It’s every mom’s right to breastfeed freely if she chooses, but even if the laws are on your side, it can feel like everyone is staring at you. When you don’t feel comfortable while nursing, it’s hard for your milk to let down. By grabbing one of these blankets from your bag, you’ll be able to keep your cover without sweating it out until baby finishes.


Need a towel? These blankets and swaddles can surely help with that too in a pinch. If you’ve gotten a little wet on your adventures, you can easily use these lovely materials to sop up water and keep you and your baby comfortable, no matter what the summer has in store!